Costcutter Not for Profit Supermarket

A Community in action
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Our Social Enterprise project is our local supermarket. It was closed for almost eight years and had remained unused during that time. We purchased it and our first project was to restore it to good condition using our own resources.

This refurbishment was completed in July 2014 and after consultations with several of the leading supermarket organisations, it was decided to operate under the Costcutter Banner. We opened the doors of our Not For Profit Supermarket to customers in mid August 2014.

We have addressed a number of key issues when developing this project, we decided that as many local people as possible would be employed and that we would deliberately employ people with intellectual and other disabilities.

We see this as an automatic resource for our community and moving forward will become a training facility for those who are unemployed, enabling them to gain the necessary skills and experience to make them more employable in other retail outlets throughout the town.

We wish to thank our community for their continuing custom whilst we are completing renovations to the shop. It is hoped to have all changes made before the end of the Summer.